Saturday, January 14, 2012

How can I remove window tint?

A used car that I just bought has something wrong with the window tint. When you look through it, everything appears blurred. Windows are perfectly clean, it's something wrong with the tint. Anyone know an easy way (or any way) to remove tint?How can I remove window tint?
All you'll need are some basic household items; black trash bags, ammonia, steel wool and some single edge razor blades. Spray the window's exterior with soapy water, cover it with a black trash bag, smooth the plastic flat, then trim the bag to fit the glass. This will absorb heat, which makes the film expand so that both layers will peel off together. Inside, protect any close-by upholstered surfaces, then spray the window film with undiluted ammonia. Make sure to spray all the way to the edge. Trap the ammonia against the tint with another trash bag or, for small windows, plastic wrap. Then let the window bake in the sun for about an hour to soften the tint's adhesive. Now, let the sun heat up the glass and ammonia as this will dissolve the old adhesive. I'd leave the trash bags on for about an hour.

Next, lift a corner of the film with a fingernail or, failing that, a razor blade. Be careful not to nick the defroster lines. The film should peel off in whole pieces; keep the tint moist with ammonia as you strip. Use a razor blade to scrape off any tint that didn't peel. Remove glue residue with ammonia and 0000 (Super Fine) steel wool, wiping with paper towel as you go before the ammonia dries. Finish by removing the exterior trash bag and cleaning both sides of the window with glass cleaner.How can I remove window tint?
i just had to get my tint redone and all the guy did to take off the old tint was find and edge, take a razor blade and peeled it off, then the glue was left so he took some dish soap and soaked it/scrubbed it off...if you heat the windows up a little bit it should help to, we let my car bake in the sun for a bit before we peeled the tint off.. it was really easy. i dont know if that's typical tho.

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