Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can a dealer sell a car with illegal window tint on it?

My father purchased a car with dark tints on it. He is 70 years old and is unaware of any window tint laws. He received a ticket for illegal window tint and he is really confused. I am too.

Is the car dealership allowed to sell an unsafe vehicle like this? My father was never told anything about the window tint when he purchased the car. Thanks for your help!|||not in the state of california. that would be illegal.

and the dealer would be help responsible|||It would depend on the laws in your state or the municipal ordinances in your city.

In Florida, the dealership is not allowed to sell a vehicle with illegal tint on it. It is considered to be improper and unsafe equipment. The dealership is supposed to remove the tint before reselling the vehicle.

However, you can find many cars for sale at lots that still have the illegal tint installed. Why? Because buyers like it, think it makes the car look good, etc. Anything to sell a used car, right??

Find out in your area if it is o.k. or not to sell a car with illegal tint. Look online for your state statutes (in the motor vehicle section) or if your city has a general help number call that and ask them. If it is, I would advise your Dad to take his car, receipt of sale, and copy of the ticket back to the dealership. I would speak with someone higher up and explain the situation. I would suggest (if they don't suggest it) that they should take the illegal tint off and reinstall legal tint. Maybe take along a copy of the statute where it discusses selling cars with illegal tint would help too.

Meanwhile, what to do about the ticket? I don't know about in your state, but in Florida there is an option to fix improper equipment (like illegal tint). If you fix it (remove it or install proper tint) than the fine is greatly reduced. Again, I don't know about in your state, but in Florida the good news is that it is not a 'moving violation' which means that points are not assessed against your license. Basically, you could pay the ticket, not change your tint, and keep your fingers crossed that you won't get pulled over and get another fine.|||The car dealer did nothing wrong. Window tint is an obvious thing. That said, if your father decides he doesn't want the car now the dealer would likely do an exchange to keep their customer happy.|||Yes they can.

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